Sunday, August 14, 2011

Photography Addicted

I had every intention of organizing my inventory while I stood chatting with my friend Poppy. But then I started trying to find the best shot. I asked her if I could have object permissions so I could sneak a pic of us. At first I just wanted to get a nice candid shot but then I decided to do a portrait too.

We are both wearing stuff from the platinum hunt. And don't forget cuz there is only one more day to get this jewelry set for 75L at boom.

Skin: [PF] Elly - Pure/Angelic
Hair: fri. - Tatum.2 - Blonds
Shirt: tulip. Apathy (Ice) [platinum hunt]
Skirt: tulip. Barbarian (Ocean) [platinum hunt]
Necklace/Ring: *BOOM* Hypnosis Charm [project themeory]

Skin: Glam Affair Jadis2
Hair: Shag Thai me up in kitten w/ roots
Dress: Royal Blue Platinum Hunt
Bolero: Lelutka
Earrings: glow studio